Strategy and the Fat Smoker

Maister Moments

Career Development

Strategy in Professional Businesses

Managing Professionals: Attitudes, Skills and Behaviors

Marketing Professional Services

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Maister Moments

Leading global consultant, business author, A-list blogger and podcaster David Maister presents a podcast of highlights from his speaking engagements covering his four main topic areas: Strategy, Management, Client Relations, and Careers.

Maister Moments

Leading global consultant, business author, and former Harvard Business School professor David Maister presents a podcast of highlights from his speaking engagements covering his four main topic areas: Strategy, Management, Client Relations, and Careers.

As a new feature to my podcast, I will be including a link to the executive summary of each chapter of my book as a pdf. I encourage you to forward these to friends and colleagues who may be interested in the materials covered in this series.

Episode Description

25. Summary Proverb


We will close this series with a proverb that I use to conclude many of my seminars. It illustrates that what most businesses need, is not clarification on what is the right thing to do, but the courage to not give in to short term gratification.

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24. Earning a Relationsip


Everything in we want in life must be given to us by another human being. This being the case, a key question in the early stages of a relationship is, how do you get another human being to want to give these things to you?

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23. Dynamos


Professionals at any given time can be one of three things: dynamos, cruisers or losers. What are the percentages in your organization and how will you as a manager motivate and excite in order help under-performers and create dynamos?

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22. Think of Work


Marketing services that excite you to clients that you are interested in brings the odds of winning business significantly higher. However, this appears to be the route less taken in most professional lives. The question is, is this acceptable?

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21. Getting Hired by New Clients


sides of the fence. We will discuss how to thwart this cycle at the root by demonstrating your capabilities first and building a reputation as a trustworthy provider.

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20. Experts vs. Advisors


In the marketing of professional services, you can come across in one of two ways to the buyer. You are either interested in them, or you are interested in their cash. We will show why the former is the key to successful business marketing.

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19. Marketing To Existing Clients


Most professional organizations spend the overwhelming majority of their non-billable, business generating hours on chasing new clients even though it has the least probable R.O.I. We will examine the alternatives and their relative effectiveness.

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18. Rules of Relationships


There is far more to building a relationship than the point of any given conversation and there is no “going through the motions” or baseline communications. Learn two of the most important aspects of communication in relationships.

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17. Romance and Sincerity


In business development it is too often the case that professional strive for the transaction in the short term and neglect the essential foundations for building a lasting business relationship. We will discuss two distinct mindsets for coming to mark

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16. How We Buy


All marketing and selling questions boil down to one basic query: How do people buy? To learn the answer to this, one only needs to look as far as their own experience in buying to find that it’s not only about qualifications but also about trust.

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15. What We Hate About Those People


Often times there is a degree of laziness in communication on the part of the professional that is incredibly alienating to the client. Learn a simple exercise that will help you better understand and fulfill your clients’ wants and needs.

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14. Where Should Marketing Time Go?


The standard marketing practice of proposals and assertions fails in respect to building relationships. We will discuss one of many tactics aimed at earning and deserving existing and new client business through demonstration rather than assertion.

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13. Accountability


In order for the employees of an organization to raise their performance, those in managerial roles must first be held accountable for their own performance. We will discuss one way that this accountability could be installed inside an organization.

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12. Managing Dad


Commonly used tactics in management such as performance appraisals, go against every rule of family life. In this episode, you will learn how the interpersonal, emotional, and psychological skills implemented in family interactions are the very same th

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11. Using Language to Get What You Want


Careful attention to language and an understanding of the best way to present issues are key interpersonal skills. Listen to and learn from an example of phenomenal use of language.

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10. Train a Pigeon


Getting another human being to fulfill their potential is a general process akin to the process of parenting or coaching. What are the steps to unleashing the true potential within an individual?

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9. Getting Others to Give You What You Want


Everything you want in life must be given to you by others. The key question in getting what you want is whether you engage with others as “them”, people you want something from, or as “us”, people who are part of a relationship with you.

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8. How Managers Should Spend Their Time


Often times, the coaching or managing role of a professional group leader is neglected in favor of revenue generation and client service. Learn the various reasons that this is a poor economic choice and ways to invest in and nurture the coaching role

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7. Excitement


Organizations accomplish their missions when the people who comprise that organization are excited and passionate about their work. Learn how to create this environment in your workplace.

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6. Not Qualified to Manage


The main trait that qualifies a manager is not about intellect or rationality. The job of the manager is to build organizations that accomplish their mission through an ability to deal with people as people.

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5. Managing Works


Motivating people to perform to their greatest potential is a multifaceted skill. Learn the traits, tactics, and dialect to be an effective manager.

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4. The Fat Smoker


All companies know what they need to do to be successful. The trick is to have the determination and courage to not give into the temptation of short-term gains.

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3. Survey Results


The goals of an organization are only attainable through the mobilization of the organization as a whole. How does your organization measure up?

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2. Strategy is Standards


In order to succeed, a professional firm must have values, principles and standards. These should not exist as goals or aspirations, but as solid bottom lines that the professionals within the firm must live up to.

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1. Profit Formula


In business many factors lead to ultimate financial and business success. The challenge is to identify which factors tend to drive other factors and hence, where you really should start to launch the sequence that leads to ultimate profitability.

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