Questionnaire for Client Feedback
Client Service Questionnaire
For each of the following statements about our firm, please indicate whether you: strongly disagree (1); somewhat disagree (2); neither agree nor disagree (3); somewhat agree (4); strongly agree (5)
- You are thorough in your approach to your work
- You show creativity in your proposed solutions
- You are helpful in redefining our view of our situation
- You are helpful in diagnosing the causes of our problem areas
- You staff my work well: there is enough senior time
- You staff my work well: you don’t have high-priced people doing junior tasks
- Your people are accessible
- You keep your promises on deadlines
- You document your work activities well
- Your communications are free of jargon
- You offer fast turnaround when requested
- You listen well to what we have to say
- You relate well to our people
- You keep me sufficiently informed on progress
- You let us know in advance what you’re going to do
- You notify us promptly of changes in scope, and seek our approval
- You give good explanations of what you’ve done and why
- You don’t wait for me to initiate everything: you anticipate
- You involve us at major points in the engagement
- You have a good understanding of our business
- You make it your business to understand our company
- You are up to date on what’s going on in our world
- You make us feel as if we’re important to you
- You deal with problems in our relationship openly and quickly
- You keep us informed on technical issues affecting our business
- You show an interest in us beyond the specifics of your tasks
If a business acquaintance asked you about your experience with us, would you give us an unqualified endorsement?