Central European and Australian Interviews
post # 116 — June 23, 2006 — a General, Strategy post
On September 29th, 2006, I will be making a presentation in Berlin, Germany to the 14th CEEMAN annual conference on “Creating synergy between business schools and business.” Details can be found at http://www.ceeman.org.
(CEEMAN is the Central and Eastern European Management Development Association.)
In anticipation of my presentation, CEEMAN news published an interview with me (available on my website), in which I am pessimistic both about the ability of business school professors to act in unison to develop strategies for their institutions, and about their true desires to engage with real-world business.
In addition, Business Review Weekly, the leading Australian business magazine, interviewed me recently about my 20-years of experience in working in Australia. That interview, entitled “Some Good Advice,” can be found here.
Michael Wagner said:
” I am pessimistic both about the ability of business school professors to act in unison to develop strategies for their institutions, and about their true desires to engage with real-world business.”
I try and resist my inner pessimist, but I share your sentiment.
I just finished a three hour workshop with some wonderful professionals assigned the task of marketing the business college of a large university.
Your comment reflects their thoughts.
What the marketplace wants/needs does not align with what their professors are teaching. No one’s listening, however, at this business college.
I offered taking them out for a beer and a good cry. They were up for that! Grin.
posted on June 23, 2006