pdf version A List of David’s Early Publications
by David Maister 1970
- Owner Operator: Independent Trucker, Lexington, MA: Lexington Books, D.C. Heath and Company, 1975 (with D.D. Wyckoff).
- The Motor Carrier Industry, Lexington, MA: Lexington Books, D.C. Heath and Company, 1977 (with D.D. Wyckoff) (plus Instructor’s Manual).
- The Domestic Airline Industry, Lexington, MA: Lexington Books, D.C. Heath and Company, 1977 (with D.D. Wyckoff) (plus Instructor’s Manual).
- The Management of Owner Operator Fleets, Lexington, MA: Lexington Books, D.C. Heath and Company, 1980.
- Cases in Operations Management: Analysis and Action, Homewood, Illinois: R.D. Irwin, Inc., 1982 (with Sasser, et al) (plus Instructor’s Manual).
- Cases in Operations Management: Strategy and Structure, Homewood, Illinois: R.D. Irwin, Inc., 1982 (with Sasser, et al) (plus Instructor’s Manual).
- Success Strategies for the Design Professional, New York, N.Y.: McGraw-Hill, 1987 (with Coxe, et. al.)
- “The Role of the Owner Operator in U.S. Freight Transportation”,Logistics and Transportation Review, volume II, number 1, (1975), pages 31-48, (with D.D. Wyckoff).
- “Expanding the Role of Transportation Studies in Business Schools: an Example”, Proceedings, Joint TRF-CTRF meeting, Toronto, November 1975.
- “Centralization of Inventories and the ‘Square Root Law’”, International Journal of Physical Distribution, volume 6, no. 3, 1976, pages 124-134.
- “Regulation and the Level of Trucking Rates in Canada”, Proceedings of the Workshop on Motor Carrier Economic Regulation, April 7-9, 1977, Washington, D.C., National Research Council, 1977.
- “Organizing for Physical Distribution”, (Monograph), International Journal of Physical Distribution, volume 8, number 3, 1977.
- “The U.S. Owner-Operator Trucker: A Transportation Policy Based on Personal Bankruptcy”, Proceedings of the Eighteenth Annual Meeting of the Transportation Research Forum, volume XVIII, no. 1, 1977, pages 291-297 (with D.D. Wyckoff).
- “Truck Traffic Flows in Canada”, Logistics and Transportation Review, volume 14, number 2, pp. 165-192.
- “Regulation and Change in the Canadian Grain Industry”, in W. Stanbury (ed.), Papers on Regulation in Canada, Montreal: Institute for Research in Public Administration, 1978.
- “Regulation and the Level of Trucking Rates in Canada: Additional Evidence”, Transport Journal, Winter 1978, pp. 49-62.
- “Motor Carrier Use of Owner Operators: Efficiency or Exploitation?”, Proceedings of the Twentieth Annual Meeting of the Transportation Research Forum, volume XX, no. 3, 1979, pp. 447-455.
- “Alternative Approaches to the Evaluation of Physical Distribution Activities: Preferences of Executives in Canadian Firms”, Transportation Journal, vol. 18, no. 4 (Summer 1979), pp. 64-71, (with R.D. Anderson and R.E. Jerman).
- “Analysis of Matheson Foods” in P. Gilmour and J. Miller (eds.) Perspectives in Materials Management, International Journal of Physical Distribution and Materials Management, volume 9, no. 8 (1979), pp. 400-405.
- “Managing Facilitator Services”, Sloan Management Review, volume 23, no. 4, (Summer 1982), (with C. Lovelock).
- “Production Operations Management: An Agenda for the 80’s”, Decision Sciences, Winter 1981, (with J.G. Miller, et. al.).
- “Managing Service Enterprises in the 80’s”, in The Service Economy, (ed: E.E. Scheving), KCG Productions, Inc., (1982).
- “Preparing for Class”, in J. Dyer and R. Shapiro, Management Science/Operations Research: Cases and Readings, Instructor’s Manual, New York: John Wiley & Sons, 1982.
- “Current Research in Service Operations Management,” in C.A. Voss (ed.), Current Research in Production/Operations Management, London: London Business School, 1983.
- “Beyond Garbage-Can Decision Making”, The American Lawyer, (December 1983), pp. 6-7.
- “99 Questions: A Management Workbook Designed to Pull Your Firm Together – or Smash it to Smithereens”, The American Lawyer, (November 1984), (76-page pull-out supplement).
- “Consulting as a Career,” Management Consulting ’84, Consulting Club HBS, pp. 95-97.
- “ The Psychology of Waiting Lines”, in J.A. Czepiel, M.R. Solomon, and C.F. Suprenant (eds.), The Service Encounter, Lexington, MA: Lexington Books, 1985, pp. 113-124.
- “Managing Professional Services Organizations: A Roundtable,” Touche Ross & Co., 1985 (with J.E. Seitz, et. al.)
- “Firm Management”, Public Relations Journal (August 1985) pp. 15-18.
- “Lessons in Client-Loving,” Architectural Technology, Fall 1985, pp. 47-49.
- “Charting Your Course: Master Strategies for Organizing and and Managing Architectural Firms”, Architectural Technology, (May/June 1986), pp. 52-58, (with W. Coxe et al.)
Research Reports
- “Productivity in the Motor Carrier Industry”, prepared for National Commission on Productivity, 1975.
- “The Owner Operator in Canada: An Interim Report”, prepared for Canadian Council of Motor Transport Administrators, 1977 (with W. Behrenbrach).
- “Regulation and the Structure of Trucking Rates in Canada”, prepared for Canadian Anti-Inflation Board, 1978.
Case Studies
- (Published by Harvard Business School Publishing)
- Air Canada (9-674-016)
- An Overview of the U.S. Freight Transportation Industries (9-674-017)
- The Domestic Air Cargo Industry (9-674-018)
- Howard Systems, Inc. (9-674-019)
- Flying Tiger Lines (9-674-025)
- Federal Express (A) (9-674-093)
- Federal Express (B) (9-674-094)
- The Owner Operator (9-674-111)
- The Boston Globe (9-675-063)
- Ropax, Inc. (8-675-064)
- Perlis Truckstop (9-675-077)
- Milwaukee Merchant (9-675-144)
- Mead Paper Distribution (2-675-146)
- Pacific Brewers Distributors (9-679-616)
- Impact of Deregulation on Motor Transportation Financing (9-680-023)
- Note on the Management of Queues (9-680-053)
- Levinson Realty, Inc. (9-680-093)
- Scientific Placement (9-680-131)
- Bradford Schools, Inc. (9-681-049)
- Francis, Berther and Allfreed (9-681-060)
- University Health Services (9-681-061)
- Hewitt Associates (2-681-063)
- Spanglett Associates (9-681-080)
- Smith-Jones (9-681-072)
- Rural/Metro Fire Department (1-681-082)
- CP Rail – Western Capacity (9-681-048)
- Bozell & Jacobs (9-682-057)
- Northern Telecom (9-682-106)
- How to Avoid Getting Lost in the Numbers (9-682-009)
- Podunk Plant (9-682-007)
- Note on Inventories (9-683-009)
- Bennett, Strang and Farris (9-684-027)
- Wilson, Webb, Coxe and Wheatley (9-584-004)
- Baldwin, Balfour and McDonald (9-684-062)
- Summer, Gibb and Buckholtz (9-684-063)
- Blanchflower, White and Greaves (9-684-077)
- The General Counsel’s In-Box (9-485-165)
Teaching Notes for Case Studies
(Published by Harvard Business School Publishing)
- Scientific Placement (5-682-012)
- Bradford Schools (5-681-075)
- Francis, Berther and Allfreed (5-682-013)
- University Health Services (5-681-079)
- Hewitt Associates (5-682-015)
- Spanglett Associates (5-622-017)
- Smith-Jones (5-682-016)
- Managing the Professional Service Firm: Course Module (5-682-009)
- Harvey Plant (5-679-122)
- FBO, Inc. (5-679-123)
- Architect’s Collaborative (5-581-070)
- McDonald’s/Burger King (5-681-070)
- Garber Travel Service (5-681-097)