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by David Maister 1970


  1. Owner Operator: Independent Trucker, Lexington, MA: Lexington Books, D.C. Heath and Company, 1975 (with D.D. Wyckoff).
  2. The Motor Carrier Industry, Lexington, MA: Lexington Books, D.C. Heath and Company, 1977 (with D.D. Wyckoff) (plus Instructor’s Manual).
  3. The Domestic Airline Industry, Lexington, MA: Lexington Books, D.C. Heath and Company, 1977 (with D.D. Wyckoff) (plus Instructor’s Manual).
  4. The Management of Owner Operator Fleets, Lexington, MA: Lexington Books, D.C. Heath and Company, 1980.
  5. Cases in Operations Management: Analysis and Action, Homewood, Illinois: R.D. Irwin, Inc., 1982 (with Sasser, et al) (plus Instructor’s Manual).
  6. Cases in Operations Management: Strategy and Structure, Homewood, Illinois: R.D. Irwin, Inc., 1982 (with Sasser, et al) (plus Instructor’s Manual).
  7. Success Strategies for the Design Professional, New York, N.Y.: McGraw-Hill, 1987 (with Coxe, et. al.)


  1. “The Role of the Owner Operator in U.S. Freight Transportation”,Logistics and Transportation Review, volume II, number 1, (1975), pages 31-48, (with D.D. Wyckoff).
  2. “Expanding the Role of Transportation Studies in Business Schools: an Example”, Proceedings, Joint TRF-CTRF meeting, Toronto, November 1975.
  3. “Centralization of Inventories and the ‘Square Root Law’”, International Journal of Physical Distribution, volume 6, no. 3, 1976, pages 124-134.
  4. “Regulation and the Level of Trucking Rates in Canada”, Proceedings of the Workshop on Motor Carrier Economic Regulation, April 7-9, 1977, Washington, D.C., National Research Council, 1977.
  5. “Organizing for Physical Distribution”, (Monograph), International Journal of Physical Distribution, volume 8, number 3, 1977.
  6. “The U.S. Owner-Operator Trucker: A Transportation Policy Based on Personal Bankruptcy”, Proceedings of the Eighteenth Annual Meeting of the Transportation Research Forum, volume XVIII, no. 1, 1977, pages 291-297 (with D.D. Wyckoff).
  7. “Truck Traffic Flows in Canada”, Logistics and Transportation Review, volume 14, number 2, pp. 165-192.
  8. “Regulation and Change in the Canadian Grain Industry”, in W. Stanbury (ed.), Papers on Regulation in Canada, Montreal: Institute for Research in Public Administration, 1978.
  9. “Regulation and the Level of Trucking Rates in Canada: Additional Evidence”, Transport Journal, Winter 1978, pp. 49-62.
  10. “Motor Carrier Use of Owner Operators: Efficiency or Exploitation?”, Proceedings of the Twentieth Annual Meeting of the Transportation Research Forum, volume XX, no. 3, 1979, pp. 447-455.
  11. “Alternative Approaches to the Evaluation of Physical Distribution Activities: Preferences of Executives in Canadian Firms”, Transportation Journal, vol. 18, no. 4 (Summer 1979), pp. 64-71, (with R.D. Anderson and R.E. Jerman).
  12. “Analysis of Matheson Foods” in P. Gilmour and J. Miller (eds.) Perspectives in Materials Management, International Journal of Physical Distribution and Materials Management, volume 9, no. 8 (1979), pp. 400-405.
  13. “Managing Facilitator Services”, Sloan Management Review, volume 23, no. 4, (Summer 1982), (with C. Lovelock).
  14. “Production Operations Management: An Agenda for the 80’s”, Decision Sciences, Winter 1981, (with J.G. Miller, et. al.).
  15. “Managing Service Enterprises in the 80’s”, in The Service Economy, (ed: E.E. Scheving), KCG Productions, Inc., (1982).
  16. “Preparing for Class”, in J. Dyer and R. Shapiro, Management Science/Operations Research: Cases and Readings, Instructor’s Manual, New York: John Wiley & Sons, 1982.
  17. “Current Research in Service Operations Management,” in C.A. Voss (ed.), Current Research in Production/Operations Management, London: London Business School, 1983.
  18. “Beyond Garbage-Can Decision Making”, The American Lawyer, (December 1983), pp. 6-7.
  19. “99 Questions: A Management Workbook Designed to Pull Your Firm Together – or Smash it to Smithereens”, The American Lawyer, (November 1984), (76-page pull-out supplement).
  20. “Consulting as a Career,” Management Consulting ’84, Consulting Club HBS, pp. 95-97.
  21. “ The Psychology of Waiting Lines”, in J.A. Czepiel, M.R. Solomon, and C.F. Suprenant (eds.), The Service Encounter, Lexington, MA: Lexington Books, 1985, pp. 113-124.
  22. “Managing Professional Services Organizations: A Roundtable,” Touche Ross & Co., 1985 (with J.E. Seitz, et. al.)
  23. “Firm Management”, Public Relations Journal (August 1985) pp. 15-18.
  24. “Lessons in Client-Loving,” Architectural Technology, Fall 1985, pp. 47-49.
  25. “Charting Your Course: Master Strategies for Organizing and and Managing Architectural Firms”, Architectural Technology, (May/June 1986), pp. 52-58, (with W. Coxe et al.)

Research Reports

  1. “Productivity in the Motor Carrier Industry”, prepared for National Commission on Productivity, 1975.
  2. “The Owner Operator in Canada: An Interim Report”, prepared for Canadian Council of Motor Transport Administrators, 1977 (with W. Behrenbrach).
  3. “Regulation and the Structure of Trucking Rates in Canada”, prepared for Canadian Anti-Inflation Board, 1978.

Case Studies

  1. (Published by Harvard Business School Publishing)
  2. Air Canada (9-674-016)
  3. An Overview of the U.S. Freight Transportation Industries (9-674-017)
  4. The Domestic Air Cargo Industry (9-674-018)
  5. Howard Systems, Inc. (9-674-019)
  6. Flying Tiger Lines (9-674-025)
  7. Federal Express (A) (9-674-093)
  8. Federal Express (B) (9-674-094)
  9. The Owner Operator (9-674-111)
  10. The Boston Globe (9-675-063)
  11. Ropax, Inc. (8-675-064)
  12. Perlis Truckstop (9-675-077)
  13. Milwaukee Merchant (9-675-144)
  14. Mead Paper Distribution (2-675-146)
  15. Pacific Brewers Distributors (9-679-616)
  16. Impact of Deregulation on Motor Transportation Financing (9-680-023)
  17. Note on the Management of Queues (9-680-053)
  18. Levinson Realty, Inc. (9-680-093)
  19. Scientific Placement (9-680-131)
  20. Bradford Schools, Inc. (9-681-049)
  21. Francis, Berther and Allfreed (9-681-060)
  22. University Health Services (9-681-061)
  23. Hewitt Associates (2-681-063)
  24. Spanglett Associates (9-681-080)
  25. Smith-Jones (9-681-072)
  26. Rural/Metro Fire Department (1-681-082)
  27. CP Rail – Western Capacity (9-681-048)
  28. Bozell & Jacobs (9-682-057)
  29. Northern Telecom (9-682-106)
  30. How to Avoid Getting Lost in the Numbers (9-682-009)
  31. Podunk Plant (9-682-007)
  32. Note on Inventories (9-683-009)
  33. Bennett, Strang and Farris (9-684-027)
  34. Wilson, Webb, Coxe and Wheatley (9-584-004)
  35. Baldwin, Balfour and McDonald (9-684-062)
  36. Summer, Gibb and Buckholtz (9-684-063)
  37. Blanchflower, White and Greaves (9-684-077)
  38. The General Counsel’s In-Box (9-485-165)

Teaching Notes for Case Studies

(Published by Harvard Business School Publishing)

  1. Scientific Placement (5-682-012)
  2. Bradford Schools (5-681-075)
  3. Francis, Berther and Allfreed (5-682-013)
  4. University Health Services (5-681-079)
  5. Hewitt Associates (5-682-015)
  6. Spanglett Associates (5-622-017)
  7. Smith-Jones (5-682-016)
  8. Managing the Professional Service Firm: Course Module (5-682-009)
  9. Harvey Plant (5-679-122)
  10. FBO, Inc. (5-679-123)
  11. Architect’s Collaborative (5-581-070)
  12. McDonald’s/Burger King (5-681-070)
  13. Garber Travel Service (5-681-097)