David Maister - Professional Business, Professional Life
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Passion, People and Principles


Marc Hoppers said:

David, I had a few minutes to listen to your interview with Consulting Magazine. You made a comment that made me laugh. You made the comment that you don’t find many managing directors taking advantage of your material, which I’m sure is borne out by your site stats. I wanted to offer another perspective and get your perspective.

I’ve been a reader of your work for years. In ealry ’05, I and another Big 8, 6, 5, 4 refugee started a consulting firm. As the owner of a small, growing consulting firm, I have found your podcasts invaluable to have on my mp3 player when I workout or need some encouragement. I view your reinvigorated web presence as a bit of the 24×7 mentor that the owner of a small business sometimes need to keep the fire burning.

Would be interested if there are other small consulting shop owners out there and how they’re using your material.

posted on November 20, 2006

David (Maister) said:

Marc, I’m delighted the material is useful to you in your new role. My site stats suggest that a lot of my readers, listeners, visitors and participants fit your profile. And you’re all welcome!

posted on November 20, 2006